Physical Adept Powers
Name Cost Notes
Imp. Reflexes Level 2 (Geas: Workout) 2.25 sr3.169: This power increases the speed at which you react, just like wired reflexes SR3-301. +2d6 initiative, +4 reaction.
Imp Abl Phys Skl/ Athletics(BOD) [4] (Geas: Workout) 0.75 sr3.169: This power gives you additional dice for use with a specific Active Skill.
Imp Abl Phys Skl/ Stealth(QCK) [4] (Geas: Meditate) 0.75 sr3.169: This power gives you additional dice for use with a specific Active Skill.
Freefall [4] (Geas: Meditate) 0.75 mits.150: For each level of freefall, an adept can fall a distance of 2 meters without suffering an injury or making a damage resistance test.
Great Leap [4] (Geas: Workout) 0.75 mits.150: Each level of greatleap adds a die for Jumping Tests and is also added to the characters Quickness for determining the maximum distance a character can jump.
Enhanced Perception [2] (Geas: Meditate) 0.75 sr3.169: Each level provides an additional die for all Perception Tests SR3-231, including astral perception, if you have that power.
Magic Sense (Geas: Meditate) 0.50 mits.150: May sense magical energies and effects within a radius equal to the adepts Magic Attribute x 5 in meters. Use the detection spell table (p. 192, SR3) to determinethe target numbers.
Empathic Sense (Geas: Meditate) 0.50 mits.149: Empathic Sense grants a limited form of magical awareness that allows an adept to sense the feelings of those he can see with his unaided vision.
Traceless Walk 0.50 mits.151: An adept with the traceless walk power can move over soft or brittle surfaces such as snow, sand, or thin paper without leaving any visible traces or noise.
Spell Shroud [4] (Geas: Meditate) 0.75 mits.151: For each level of the power, the adept adds 1 die to Spell Resistance Tests against detection spells.
Magic Resistance (Geas: Meditate) 0.75 sr3.170: You posses an inherent resistance to sorcery. Add 1 die per level of this power to all your Spell Resistance Tests.
Pain Resistance 0.50 sr3.170: Pain resistance allows you to ignore the effects of injury. It does not reduce actualdamage, only its effects on you. Ignore one box of stun and one box of physical damage.
Imrpoved Senses (Geas: Meditate) 1.50 s33.169
     Thermo Vision   This power provides thermographic vision sr3.300.
     Enhanced Hearing   This power provides enhanced hearing sr3.299.
     Sound Filter 5   This power provides sound filtering, functioning like the cyberear Sound Filter sr3.299. Adds 5 dice listening perception checks. Adds ten dice to opposed tests against white noise generators.
     High Freq. Hearing   This power provides high frequency hearing sr3.299.
     Sound Dampening   This power provides sound dampening, functioning like the cyberear Dampener sr3.299.
     Directional Sense   You know what direction you are facing, and whether you are above or below the local ground level, with a successful Perception 4 test.
     Improved Scent   You can identify scents in the same way as a bloodhound.
     Balance Augmenter   This power provides the benefit of the cyberear Balance Augmenter mm.13. -2 TN any skill tests involving balance, such as climbing, walking across a narrow platform, landing after a jump, knockdown, etc. Must make Willpower (4) test to intentionally fall down.
Mage Info
Type: PhysAd Adept
Magic: Base 6 + Initiation 5 = Total 11
Totem Bonuses/Penalities: Do not use magic skills (except Astral combat). Cannot astrally project and cannot use astral perception unless purchased.
Group Initiation (Dirty Dugout): w/Ordeal: (Oath) InitBenefit: Metamagic (Centering: Physical Skills) Cost:9
Group Initiation (Dirty Dugout): w/Ordeal: (Thesis) InitBenefit: Metamagic (Centering: Electronics) Cost:10
Group Initiation (Dirty Dugout): w/Ordeal: (Deed) InitBenefit: Altered astral signature Cost:12
Group Initiation (Dirty Dugout): w/Ordeal: (Geas on Magic Sense and Empathic Sense) InitBenefit: Metamagic (Masking) Cost:13
Group Initiation (Dirty Dugout): w/Ordeal: (Meditation) InitBenefit: Metamagic (Centering: Demolitions) Cost:15
Groups: Dirty Dugout